Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dell Change with CEO / PC shuffle...

I was talking a friend last nite.. What is wrong in Dell... Its productivity which has sucked creativity.. Obsession of numbers during transition time is never good...

What saves HP? it is their creativity in printer market and engineering research.. I hope Mark is not killing it by his obsession of numbers.. I think he is not by just looking at growth numbers not saving numbers.

Also, one of the ex-dell employees posted the following which has gist of everything but I doubt Michael Dell has vision. He was always there for vision. His vision of Internet pure play to sell with lean mean manufacturing is done. His former trusted partners have left him behind.. Someone internal to company with maverick attitude like Vyomesh Joshi in HP has to make it happen from behind the scenes ..

"As a former Dell employee, current shareholder, and resident of Austin, it is hard not to keep up with the company since I left in 2000 to chase other opportunities. Still having several friends who are long time employees of the company, I oftentimes find myself having conversations about the explosive growth of the company between 1993 and 2000 (my tenure)and the problems that the company has recently experienced. Because I am no longer in the trenches of the day-to-day business, it would be impossible for me to point to specific areas of the company or practices that have caused the company to find itself in this position. However, I can say with great confidence that the direction of the company is being driven by managers and not leaders. Managers handle the day-to-day. Mangers do not create vision like leaders do, and when a company relies on managers to handle this task, they find themselves in trouble. The employees are uninspired, the products are bland, and focus goes by the wayside. When people look at a company as a place to "work" and to hang their hats, and no longer feel as though they have a stake in creating something better, you have to look to the top of the organization. The market has changed. The efficiencies in supply-chain management that once differentiated Dell from its competition, while still important, are not as great as they once were. It is time for a visionary to take the helm from the paralysis by analysis managers, pencil pushers who look solely at the bottom line, and "consultants" who justify their existence by telling people what they already know, and managers that are looking for a safe place to collect a paycheck, and get down to the business of once again creating "buzz" around the company. I certainly believe that if there is an executive with the ability to do that, Mr. Dell is the person. It is a difficult task that will involve many difficult decisions, but the time to do so has passed. I wish the company much luck as they once again try to define what their "vision" will be."

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